OCPA9 International Conference


OCPA9, Beijing, July 17-20, 2017


tsinghua-daxueMeeting Website: http://meetings.phys.tsinghua.edu.cn/

(Direct Link): http://meetings.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1

OCPA9 Registration and Abstract Extension, Extended Deadline:  May 15, 2017.

The OCPA conference is a conference for Chinese Physicists worldwide. Since 1994, the conference has been held regularly every two (or three) years. Past conferences were held in Shantou (1995), Taipei (1997), Hong Kong (2000), Shanghai (2004), Taipei (2006), Lanzhou (2009), Kaohsiung (2011) and Singapore (2014). The scientific program features plenary sessions, followed by invited and contributed talks in parallel sessions. Scientific topics cover the latest experimental and theoretical developments in all subareas of physics. The educational program covers new progress in physics education, public outreach, mentoring of undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

The OCPA9 will take place in the summer of 2017 in Tsinghua University, Beijing. The conference will be co-chaired by Prof. Qikun Xue (Tsinghua University, Beijing), representing the local organizers, and Albert M. Chang (Duke University), representing OCPA. The local organizers consist of the Department of Physics in Tsinghua University, the School of Physics in Peking University, the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter.

Contact: Albert M. Chang (OCPA President, Duke University, email address: yingshe@phy.duke.edu)

Conference Poster (click to download the high resolution image ~ 12M):
